Getting Help

Getting Help #

Having trouble? Look here for a list of resources that can help.

Administrative Concerns #

First, there are a few places you should always go for specific administrative problems:

  • The SGSI Service Desk. Anything regarding computers, telephones, internet access, e-mail, and so on is serviced by the Service Desk, which can be reached by calling 7-8282, or by sending an e-mail to Almost any other way of getting help with our IT systems will wind up creating a ticket there eventually, so it’s better to just start at the source; it’ll save you time later.
  • The ISP accountant (or CLC, currently Eric Legrand). Anything concerning procurement or reimbursements (other than computers, which are handled by SGSI), as well as basic office supplies questions, are handled by the ISP’s accountant, Eric. You can send him a message at

For other, general problems, almost all administrative problems can be solved either by, in escalating order of importance:

  1. The secretary of the ISP (currently in flux). If you’ve got something straightforward, it’s always a good idea to stop by the secretary’s office on the first floor of the ISP. If you’ve got basic questions (like sending mail, etc.), someone there will help sort them out.
  2. The administrative coordinator (or CAI) of the ISP (currently missing). The CAI is the next level up, who can resolve nearly any administrative concern, or put you in direct touch with the person who can. They also have access to keys for nearly every room in the building.
  3. The president of the ISP (currently Jean-Michel Counet). The Institute President is, formally, all of our boss as regards research concerns, and hence is your first point of contact with the proper administration if you have need of escalating something serious.

Research Concerns #

We wouldn’t have a group like we do if we weren’t dedicated to trying to make every member as productive and happy as you can be. So if one lab member has research troubles, that should bother everybody! Most importantly, don’t hesitate to reach out for help when you get stuck. The structure of monthly stand-up meetings is designed to give you a place to air grievances and keep you from being held up by something for too long. Don’t hesitate to mention stuff in and around reading group, as well, which is even more frequent.

If you have particular, concrete issues about material, references, books, etc., feel free to drop a line either to Prof. Pence or to anybody who works in the ISP library (one floor beneath ground level, underneath the ISP itself). The group almost always has some amount of funding available for purchasing books and other materials.

Ethical Concerns #

If you have a research ethics concern, please first raise it with Prof. Pence at the first opportunity, or, if you do not feel comfortable doing so, please get in touch with ADRE (the research office). Their central contact e-mail for research ethics concerns is

Teaching Concerns #

If you’re teaching in EFIL (the philosophy faculty), your first point of contact will either be the Head of School (currently Sylvain Camilleri) or the FIAL coordinator in EFIL (currently Marie-France Delcourt). The Head of School has more authority to handle serious issues (questions about course hours, payment, course structures, etc.); the FIAL coordinator can handle more nuts-and-bolts problems (with grades, particular students, timing of classes, etc.).

In General #

Don’t be afraid to ask questions! We’re an interdisciplinary group, and so we’re all always working on the edge of our comfort zone. That’s okay! We can’t do the kind of work we want otherwise. But it also means we’ve got to all be quite willing to admit when we need help.