
Publicity #

There’s a number of places that I strongly encourage (and, in one case, require) everyone in the lab to deposit their new publications after they appear. Here’s information on how to do that.

For those who aren’t familiar, when I refer to a “preprint” version, I’m speaking of the last version of the article that you submitted to the journal, prior to the final typesetting and pagination (so, your TeX or Word document source). You should edit this preprint version to include a statement saying that the official version of the paper is the published one, in whichever journal, and that only the published version should be cited. (After all, it may change in copy-editing and typesetting.)

Once you have a new publication uploaded at one or more of these sites, please collate all the links and email them to me (Pence). I will update the lab’s central database of research and get them online, as well as publicized through our social media channels.

  • DIAL: preprint version (absolutely required)

    DIAL is the institutional archive of UCLouvain. Depositing articles within it is a mandatory condition of almost every grant funding opportunity that any of us would ever receive. They request that you deposit a preprint version of the paper.

  • PhilSci-Archive: preprint version (strongly recommended)

    For papers in philosophy of science or integrated HPS, I strongly recommend that you upload a version to PhilSci-Archive, the disciplinary repository for the philosophy of science. This site also requires preprint versions.

  • PhilPapers: preprint version (recommended)

    For papers in philosophy (and perhaps in history of science, depending on journal), the philosophy indexing website PhilPapers will likely index the article shortly after it appears in the official journal. It’s recommended to also go to the entry for your page yourself, both to add it to your PhilPapers author profile, and to upload a preprint copy into the archive that they independently run.

  • Lab Archive: final published version (recommended)

    We run a locally-hosted archive of lab papers that will be downloadable directly from the publications page. Usually, I host the final, published copies of the papers here. (I am aware that, strictly speaking, this is not permitted by every publisher. I have yet to receive any cease-and-desist letters about it.)

  • figshare: datasets (very strongly recommended, if needed)

    The lab is strongly committed as a group to the principles of open and reproducible datasets. The data repository figshare is the preferred place to deposit your data – and not just your data, but a full package of data, scripts, and instructions that would allow any interested researcher to reproduce your results. This package will then be given a DOI, and become citeable in future research.

  •, ResearchGate: strongly discouraged

    Given that both of these companies intend to profit off of indexing and searching academic research outputs in order to sell advertising, while just providing resources that the above archives also already provide for free. I recommend that you avoid them.