
Publicity #

We try to publicize talks in advance, give people a change to practice, and also give as wide as possible an audience to them after they occur.

Before the Talk #

Make sure to get in touch with me (Pence) well in advance of the talk – we’ll be sure to get it advertised on our various social media channels. Unless it’s a talk that you’ve given a million times before, we also can arrange a practice talk. They’re often extremely helpful.

Also, if you’d like to write a blog post about the topic of the talk, as a way to work out some of the ideas, that can be a really great way to focus your preparation. Just ask; we can always use more content on the blog.

Note that it is expected that you will be expected to give respectful, constructive commentary. I don’t know what departments you’ve come from before, and some places really do focus on attacking papers just as hard as you possibly can. But that’s not the kind of culture we have here. You’re here to make each other’s work better, and to treat them decently as human beings.

After the Talk #

If the talk happens to be filmed, we’ll make sure to post the video on social media as well as publish a blog post linking to it. Regardless, I’m also a fan of posting the slides online, so that attendees could consult them if they’re interested later. For my talks, at least, I do the following (and would encourage everyone else in the group to do the same):

  • Lab Website: slides, handout, etc. (strongly recommended)

    We keep copies of slide presentations (export them as PDF first, if they aren’t already) and talk handouts on the lab’s website.

  • DIAL: slides, handout, etc. (strongly recommended) DIAL is the institutional archive of UCLouvain. Unlike for papers, it is not required for us to publish talk slides there, but it is strongly encouraged by the university as a record of our conference attendance.

  • figshare: slides, handout, etc., and also data, posters (strongly recommended)

    If the talk is a poster presentation, or has accompanying raw data, you should upload them to figshare. As noted on the publications page, we’re strongly committed to open data, and so you should be aiming to publish any data that you generated expressly for the talk, along with detailed instructions or processing scripts such that the figures you displayed could be regenerated by an interested researcher.