
Directions #

Getting to the Institute is not exactly easy.

The ISP is located in Collège Mercier, which is part of a larger building also sometimes labeled Auditoires Socrate, after the large set of teaching rooms it also contains. It sits on a square called Place du Cardinal Mercier.

First and foremost, if you’re looking for the ISP on Google Maps, you can search for “Institut supérieur de philosophie,” and the pin will be right, but it’s located where we really physically are in the building, not at the entrance to the building that you’re actually trying to get to. If you search for the “UCLouvain Faculté de psychologie,” that pin will appear right at the entrance that you’re going to be trying to walk into.

By Train #

If you’re coming from the train, you’ll first want to climb the stairs and pass straight through the building in front of you (which is both the train station and a small commercial center). Exit the far side and turn right. In front of you, you’ll see an Exki café. Go down to it and turn left. That will put you in L’Esplanade, a long street of cafés and stores. Walk all the way down it (past the Paul café about halfway down) and you’ll arrive at the Grand Place of Louvain-la-Neuve. Right in front of you will be the large theology building, with a clock in the top center.

You should now exit the Grand Place just to the right of the theology building, out of the “back right” corner of the Grand Place with respect to where you enter. As you get close to it, you should see a sign in that corner pointing toward Collège Mercier. You’ll go down a little street and into a (nearly) dead-end square. One of the buildings in front of you and a bit to the right will have a big “Auditoires Socrate” sign on it. Go in the left-hand door on that building (it has a sign on it for Collège Mercier, and it also mentions Institut supérieur de philosophie). You’ll be in a stairwell. Head up a floor and you’ll be at the Institute’s main offices.

If you’re here for a talk, you’re probably looking for the Salle Jean Ladrière, which you can find by following the sign on the red door just to the left of the elevator. If you’re looking for Pence’s office, go back to the stairs, go up one more floor, and go through the door down the hallway to b.214.

By Car #

The easiest way to drive in to campus is to enter via Boulevard André Oleffe (see the map below.) You’ll pass around a roundabout, through a small tunnel, and then see the entrance to the parking lot “Grand Place.” (Unfortunately, this is a paid lot; the nearest free parking is quite far away.) From there, park your car and exit the lot. You’ll pop up in the Grand Place. To orient yourself, look for the large brasserie that’s just called “Grand Place” along one whole side of the square, and the theology building (with a clock on the front) on the opposite side of the square. At that point, you can scroll up and pick up the train directions, starting at “You should now exit….”

Map #

Map courtesy OpenStreetMap

This map indicates the basic driving directions (red arrow), the location of the Grand Place (pale red square), and the Institute (purple star). The train station is off the map to the right – when walking from the train, you’d be coming down the top-right road that enters into the Grand Place (past the purple grocery-cart icon).